How To Create Your Own High Elves Army
The best place to start is the High Elves army book. This
book contains a bestiary, pictures, painting hints and
the history of the High Elves, it is the most essential
item you need to start making your own High Elf army.
A High Elf Army is usually a defensive one, making
practical use of its troops to gain the advantage in
battle. Players usually have most of the army made up of
defensive troops but also have some good H2H units to
combat stong enemy units to prevent them to getting to
vunerable parts of the army such as archers. Well that's
my main theory anyway.
Firstly what you need to get is atleast 3 boxes of High
Elves, with these you have your 2 core troops, 12
spearmen and 12 archers. To the spearmen, it is a good
idea to add a command group (standard, musician and
champion), so now you have a 3 by 5 block of spearmen.
With the spearmen make use of their extra rank and get
charged by enemies and they will suffer the wrath of
three ranks fighting back at them!
Now you need some speed in your army and this means
calvary. If you are into to H2H combat, get some Dragon
Princes, with their high save, free standard and half the
price for a magic banner they are quite good but have a
very high point cost so every loss matters. If you need
some skirmishers to harrass enemy war machines, and to
pick on small units Ellyrion Reavers are the way to go.
But my personal favorite are the Silver Helms, they are
so very versitile as you can either have them as light
calvary or heavily armored knights. I like them to have
light armor and shields, just my personal preference. I
bought mine in a box set which has the parts to make 4
different Silver Helms. You can buy a champion and
additional command to them but I like mounting the
general and placing him in charge of the Silver Helms to
make a very stong unit.
Next we need some magic power. In small armies it is best
to keep the mage either level 1 or 2 because of the high
point cost. Most players prefer to put their mage in a
unit like the spearmen to protect him from missile fire,
or mount him and put him in your calvary unit. A good
idea is to mount him on a unicorn, and put him in your
calvary unit for more damage and protection from spells
and daemons.
Then it is onto war machines. Here you can't go wrong
with bolt throwers, they are well worth their points
being able to destroy heavily armored knights and deep
ranked troops. Mwa ha ha, get lots and lots of them. Mwa
ha ha. Always fire volleys unless you are against a
really tough monster. Mwa ha ha.
Sorry about that outburst. Tiranoc chariots are next,
very dangerous when you charge, always have scythed
wheels and never get charged. If you are the good
converter, put in 2 extra elven steeds. A good tactic is
to hide them behind a building for the first few turns
and as soon as most units are in combat, get them to
drive like made and charge into the flanks of troops
easily breaking them.
I will write a second part soon detailing the more exotic
troops, monster use, special characters and so on. Mwa ha
ha and Good Luck !