Phoenix Guard

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Phoenix Guard are the cheapest of elite units. I only use them against armies who have a good weapon skill to equal with them or to take advantage over them. There is nothing special about them.

Sword Masters of Hoeth

Sword Masters are one of my favorite units. Apart from looking really cool they are quite lethal. They can ignore the rule of having to strike last because of double-handed weapons since they have mastered it. I prefer not to give them shields as it is hard enough for enemies to shot at them with their deflecting shot ability. I try not to put them in the front otherwise they will most likely be targeted and be shot at.

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White Lions

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White Lions are very good and strong units. They are packed full of special abilities. I try to get them into hand-to-hand combat as soon as I can because they will cut the enemy up. It is best to charge because the enemy loses one attack, but it doesn't matter if they attack you with their -1 to hit.

Shadow Warriors

Shadow Warriors are another of my favourites. I first set them up as foward as I can and out of view and range. I then get the troop to run around obstacles and shoot out the crew of the war machines. Once they have shot the crew I get them to pick on other small units or characters. They are also a must to have when against dark elves because the have the hatred rules.

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